ALM Rocks!

ALM Rocks!

Archive for March, 2014

#MickeysWorldWideTour–Day 2

So not much sleep on Sunday night, even though I was jetlagged.  I attribute that to nerves and anticipation. I must say the client here is taking very good care of us. They have a driver that picks us up every day from the hotel, as well as brings us  [ Read More ]


#MickeysWorldWideTour–Day 1

I’m on my world-wide adventure this week.  Work has taken me to Manila, Philippines for the next 7 days.  This trip marks the farthest I’ve traveled from home yet, as well as the longest transit time (30+ hours) of a trip that I’ve taken. My adventure started Friday morning, with  [ Read More ]


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PowerShell and Team

I’m participating in the “100 Days of DevOps with PowerShell” ...

Visual Studio "

Yesterday, Visual Studio "14" CTP 2 become available. You can ...


A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft released a set of ...

Channel 9 Edge Show&

Channel 9 Edge Show – DevOps Panel – Tech Ed ...


So not much sleep on Sunday night, even though I ...

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