ALM Rocks!

ALM Rocks!

Microsoft MVP for 10 Years: Some History

Wow.  Once again I’ve been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional designation for my community contributions around Application Lifecycle Management.  For those who don’t know, it is not guaranteed that you will be renewed every year. Every year, you are revaluated with regards to your community contributions around Application Lifecycle  [ Read More ]


I’m participating in the “100 Days of DevOps with PowerShell” series over at System Center Central.  My first post went up today about getting started with PowerShell and Team Foundation Server 2013: The first thing you will notice is there are no out-of-the-box TFS cmdlets that ship with Team Foundation  [ Read More ]


ALM Links–02/20/2013

Hotfixes for TFS 2012 Update 1 (TFS 2012.1) Customizable kanban swim lanes TFS2012: What are all the different jobs built-in to TFS? CTP for Visual Studio Update 2 now available Getting Started with Git in Visual Studio and Team Foundation Service Windows Phone Unit Tests in Visual Studio 2012 Update  [ Read More ]


Upcoming ALM Training – March

Part of ALM is, of course, process.  And Team Foundation Server allows you to use pretty much any process you want to.  But part of any process is learning how it works and how to use a tool to help reinforce the process. Northwest Cadence is offering some great training  [ Read More ]


New VSM Article: Local Workspaces in TFS 2012

I’ve got a new article up at concerning TFS 2012 and local workspaces: TFS 2012 changes up the workspace options. Server  workspaces are still available, and work exactly has they have in previous  versions. However, TFS 2012 now contains a new type of workspace, called a Local  workspace. Again,  [ Read More ]


ALM Links of Interest–09/21/2012

While I’m not going to go back to a daily post of links, I will, from time to time, kick up some link posts to links I think are interesting or informative: Useful TFS Links – This is a nice post of useful links over at the Accentient Blog. ALM  [ Read More ]


Visual Studio 2012 Launched This Week

This has been an exciting week if you are a Visual Studio or Team Foundation Server user.  Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012 both launched on Wednesday, September 12.  Microsoft had a huge launch event in Seattle for it, and even created a new website around the launch,  [ Read More ]


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ALM Links–Janu

Jeff Bramwell on Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5: Jeff provides ...

Microsoft MVP for 10

Wow.  Once again I’ve been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable ...

PowerShell and Team

I’m participating in the “100 Days of DevOps with PowerShell” ...

Visual Studio "

Yesterday, Visual Studio "14" CTP 2 become available. You can ...


A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft released a set of ...

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