ALM Rocks!

ALM Rocks!

Channel 9 Edge Show–DevOps Panel

Channel 9 Edge Show – DevOps Panel – Tech Ed North America 2014

During Tech Ed 2014 North America,I had the opportunity to be part of a panel of experts on the Channel 9 show Edge, talking about DevOps.  In the 32 minute conversation, we cover the following questions:

  • [02:08] When have you seen Development, Operations, and the Business people work well or not together?
  • [05:37] Are you seeing companies bring in new “DevOps” titled employees or are they hiring from existing employees?  Why?
  • [08:05] How does the Microsoft Azure team utilize DevOps principles in regards to people?
  • [11:52] How are you seeing infrastructure as code making an impact with DevOps?
  • [14:30] Where do you see process helping or hindering with DevOps?
  • [18:20] Where do you see developers desiring for operations to help them out?
  • [20:05] What’s the future vision of the new Microsoft Azure portal to integrate Development with Operations in the overall application lifecycle?
  • [21:28] Where do you see PowerShell DSC play a part with DevOps?
  • [23:00] What Open Source development tools do you (Richard) find useful which interoperate with Microsoft products and what would you like to see which doesn’t exist yet?
  • [24:35] Where do you (Mickey) find customers using System Center tools with DevOps?
  • [25:33] Why did Microsoft create the new Microsoft Azure portal?
  • [27:44] How is Microsoft embracing open source with the new Microsoft Azure portal?
  • [25:08] Why don’t we see Docker being supported on Windows?
  • [30:44] Any general tips to companies who want to get started with DevOps?

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